Brooklyn Brewery is a brewery in Brooklyn, New York City. In 1984, Associated Press correspondent Steve Hindy returned from a six-year stint in the Middle East and settled in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood. Hindy had caught the homebreweing bug from diplomats stationed in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait where alcoholic beverages were forbidden. With his downstairs neighbor, Tom Potter, Hindy quit his job and founded The Brooklyn Brewery in 1988. And thus their flagship brew, Brooklyn Lager, began its steady march to recognition as one of America’s highest regarded beers.
By 1996, with renowned traditional beer expert Garrett Oliver at the helm as Brewmaster, The Brooklyn Brewery brought brewing back to the once mighty brewing center of Brooklyn. Now in the middle of an expansion at our Williamsburg, Brooklyn facility, The Brewery is poised to continue to churn out some of the most creative and leading styles of beer in America.
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