The culural riches and exraordinary wilderness of PNG are a travellers delight. Nowhere else in the world can one explore such diverity in languages and culture than within this fascinating nation.Its unique array of colourful tribespeople is echoed in the regions diverse landscapes. PNG has a small population of 7,8 million People, yet no less than 820 different Languages are spoken throughout the region, It comes as no surprise then that a quarter of the worlds languages herald from PNG. English, Pidgin and Motu are official Languages of the region. PNG`s remoteness has preserved a traditional lifestyle, With many localsstill residing in small villages and surviving on farming.
A myriad of fascinating cultures can still be found in PNG from the famous Huli wigmen in the highlands to the enigmatic tribes of the Trobriand islands. As a result PNG has sprouted a number of annual festivals that celebrate the customs and costumes of the locals

Papua New Guinea
My adventure here started in Brisbane were i flew from to Port Moresby, In advance i had my thoughts about coming here, as the reputation and rumours are terrible here. In Port Moresby they have a 80 procent unimploiment rate, that is huge for a Capital, and this maked the city dangerous with crime, murders, kidnappings, muggings, rape, torture etc happening on a daily basis. The gangs are called (Rascals), and are to be taken seriously as they are basically everywhere. When i landed in Port Moresby i went thru customs and found my hotel taxi that was picking me up. When i got into the taxi they locked the door pretty quikly so i figured i wasnt in the safest place.
Arriveing at Ela Beach Hotel was quit good, i had prebooked a 5 star hotel for my two night stay here, around 140 US a night. My room was great, with aircon, satellite tv, wifi, restaurant, pool, shops, training facilities etc.
My first day here i just spend near the hotel, in the central parts of the city and down by the beach where some locals were playing a basketball game. I brought my camera and walked around photographing people. My second day i payd for a vehicle for a few hours and went around Port Moresby to see some of the sights, different buildings that i had read about. We also came across a gathering where they used traditional clothing to a celebration. As i wasnt going to the highlands for the Goroka show on this trip, i figured that i could get a few shots here of the famous tribes.
As in most parts of the world were media writes bad things, once again i have seen and experienced the opposite. The people here are super friendly and nice and wouldnt think twice to visit again. If you want pristine, remote and untouched, PNG is the place to visit.
- Bomana War Cemetary
- Port Moresby Nature Park
- National Parliament house
- Meet the locals
- Goroka show (highland festival)
- Trekking
- Diveing
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