I only knew a few things about the Solomon Islands before arriveing here. I flew from Papua New Guinea and landed at Honiara international one morning and got myself a taxi to town. I had allready booked a guesthouse centrally and got myself sorted before i had a walk around town. There isnt much to see in Honiara sights wise but you have several war sights and historical parts of Guadalcanal Island. Actually Guadalcanal only has roads on one side of the island making it hard to get around.
Toursim in Solomon Islands are none excistent with only a few travellers coming now and then plus you have the (yachtis) coming by boat. For my second day i managed to book a car with guide to take me around to all the special war sights on Guadalcanal. We first went down to red Beach where Allied troops first landed in Guadalcanal, then we drove to Henderson Airfield, one of the most famous airfields from the second world war. While driving from the Henderson Field we drove past a few villages with lots of kids with blond hair, i asked the driver and he could tell me that 25% of the population in the Solomons had blond hair. I later found out that the population had the darkest skin outside of Africa too.
Our last sight for the day where Edsons Ridge, also wnown as the Battle of bloody Ridge. The Hollywood blockbuster “The thin red line“ is based on the Battle on this Ridge. Standing on top of this hill was a strange feeling.
Getting to the Solomon Islands isnt that tricky, you either fly from Australia, Papua New Guinea or Vanuatu but the tickets can be pricey. For the tourist there are other islands you might condiser as there isnt much to to beside war history, jungle walks or staying on remote islands with only boats taking you back and forewards. But this is as pristine as it once was, raw and brutal. But sadly there is a lot of Malaria here.
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